Our Trusted brands
Fronius is the best string inverter around.
Works best when no shading is around.
5 years warranty + 5 Years warranty added by Fronius.
These Inverters can come battery ready and can be installed later.
Usually paired with a BYD HV battery.
Solar Edge
Solar Edge was voted the best inverter in the world.
Each panel has an optimiser fitted which allows them to work independently. This is the best system when we have a few different orientations and/or shading.
These inverters can come battery ready so we can add a battery later on.
Arguably the best system on the market.
These are individual inverters under each panel.
This has the advantage of individual panel monitoring.
Advantages are; we can install on any face roof, shading doesn't affect all the panels like a string inverter.
Maintenace is easy as we can see each panels output, helping us detect faults.
We will help choose the right storage solution for you.
HVS - Stackable up to 12.8kwh
HVM - Stackable up to 22.1kwh
Can be Paired with the Fronius GEN 24 Inverter.
(Black-out protection possible).
10 years warranty.
Solar Edge
Energy Bank
Paired with Solar Edge Inverter.
Premium battery, seamless app to view solar, battery and house consumption all in one place.
9.7kwh usable energy.
(Black-out protection possible)
10 years warranty.
Powerwall 2
Australia's favourite battery.
Ac coupled, so it can retro-fitted to any existing system.
13.5kwh usable energy.
(black-out protection possible)
10 years warranty.